NPC Working Papers

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Childcare Subsidies and the Transition from Welfare to Work. Sandra K. Danziger, Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat, and Kimberly G. Browning, University of Michigan Program on Poverty and Social Welfare Policy. (2003-11)

The Disparate Labor Market Impacts of Monetary Policy. Seth B. Carpenter, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. (2003-10)

Consequences from the Redistribution of Urban Poverty During the 1990s: A Cautionary Tale. George C. Galster, College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs, Wayne State University. (2003-09)

Filling the Poverty Gap: Then and Now. James P. Ziliak, Department of Economics and UK Center for Poverty Research, University of Kentucky. (2003-08)

Single Mother Work And Poverty Under Welfare Reform: Are Policy Impacts Different In Rural Areas? Bruce Weber, Oregon State University. Mark Edwards, Oregon State University. Greg Duncan, Northwestern University. (2003-07)

Moving from Public Housing to Homeownership: Perceived Barriers to Program Participation and Success. Anna M. Santiago and George C. Galster, Wayne State University. (2003-06)

Long term employment of African-American and white welfare recipients and the role of persistent health and mental health problems. Mary Corcoran, Professor of Political Science, Public Policy, Social Work, and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. Sandra Danziger, Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of the Michigan Program on Poverty and Social Welfare Policy at the University of Michigan. Richard Tolman, Professor of Social Work at the University of Michigan. (2003-05)

Street Crime and Street Culture. Dan Silverman, Department of Economics, University of Michigan. (2003-04)

Welfare Work Requirements and Child Well-Being: Evidence From the Effects on Breastfeeding). Steven J. Haider, Department of Economics, Michigan State University. Alison Jacknowitz, RAND Graduate School. Robert F. Schoeni, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. (2003-03)

Food Stamps and the Elderly: Why is Participation So Low? Steven J. Haider, Department of Economics, Michigan State University. Robert F. Schoeni, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Alison Jacknowitz, RAND Graduate School. (2003-02)

Pay Differences Among the Highly Trained: Cohort Differences in the Male-Female Earnings Gap in Lawyers Salaries. Mary C. Noonan, Department of Sociology, University of Iowa. Mary E. Corcoran, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. Paul N. Courant, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. (2003-01)