NPC Working Papers

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The Impact of Technological Change on LowWage Workers: A Review. David Card, University of California Berkeley and the National Bureau of Economic Research; John DiNardo, University of Michigan and NBER. (2005-28)

Economic Conditions and Children's Living Arrangements. Rebecca A. London, Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community, University of California, Santa Cruz and National Poverty Center; Robert W. Fairlie Department of Economics University of California, Santa Cruz and National Poverty Center. (2005-27)

Recent Trends in Resource Sharing among the Poor. Steven J. Haider, Michigan State University; Kathleen McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER. (2005-26)

Work and Poverty During the Past Quarter Century. Rebecca M. Blank, Sheldon H. Danziger and Robert F. Schoeni, National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. (2005-25)

The Level and Composition of Consumption Over the Business Cycle: The Role of "Quasi-Fixed" Expenditures. Kerwin Kofi Charles and University of Michigan and NBER; Melvin Stephens Jr. Carnegie Mellon University and NBER. (2005-24)

How Is Health Insurance Affected by the Economy? Public and Private Coverage Among Low-Skilled Adults in the 1990s. Helen Levy, University of Michigan, Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. (2005-23)

The Changing Pattern of Wage Growth for Low Skilled Workers. Eric French, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Bhashkar Mazumder, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Christopher Taber, Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. (2005-22)

Does the Supplemental Security Income Program Reduce Disability among the Elderly? Pamela Herd, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Robert F. Schoeni, and James S. House University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (2005-21)

Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from Random Assignments. David H. Autor, MIT Department of Economics and NBER; Susan N. Houseman,W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. (2005-20)

Poverty in America: Trends and Explanations. Hilary W. Hoynes, Marianne E. Page, Ann Huff Stevens. Department of Economics, U C Davis. (2005-19)

Exploring Gender Differences in Employment and Wage Trends Among Less-Skilled Workers. Rebecca M. Blank, University of Michigan and NBER; Heidi Shierholz, University of Michigan. (2005-18)

Child Support and the Economy. Maria Cancian, Institute for Research on Poverty, La Follette School of Public Affairs and School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin�Madison and Daniel R. Meyer, Institute for Research on Poverty, School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin�Madison. (2005-17)

How Do Tax Policies Affect Low Income Workers? Kevin A. Hassett, The American Enterprise Institute and Anne Moore, University of California, Berkeley. (2005-16)

State Spending on Social Assistance Programs Over the Business Cycle. Therese J. McGuire, Northwestern University; David F. Merriman, Loyola University Chicago. (2005-15)

The Macroeconomy and Determinants of the Earnings of Less-Skilled Workers Robert E. Hall, Hoover Institution and Department of Economics, Stanford University, National Bureau of Economic Research. (2005-14)

Temporary Agency Employment as a Way out of Poverty? David Autor, MIT Department of Economics and NBER; Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. (2005-13)

Wage Trends among Disadvantaged Minorities. George J. Borjas, Harvard University. (2005-12)

Unemployment Insurance Over the Business Cycle: Does it Meet the Needs of Less-Skilled Workers? Phillip B. Levine, Department of Economics, Wellesley College. (2005-11)

Can We Improve Job Retention and Advancement Among Low-Income Working Parents? Harry J. Holzer and Karin Martinson, The Urban Institute, Georgetown University. (2005-10)

The Black-White Test Score Gap: Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. W. Jean Yeung, Kathryn M. Pfeiffer. New York University. (2005-09)

Did Welfare Reform Differentially Influence the Fertility of Young Teens? Assessing the Success of the "Living Arrangement Rule" and the "Stay-in-School Rule." Leonard M. Lopoo, Department of Public Administration, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University; Thomas DeLeire, Congressional Budget Office. (2005-08)

Welfare Reform, Saving, and Vehicle Ownership: Do Asset Limits and Vehicle Exemptions Matter? James X. Sullivan, University of Michigan. (2005-07)

Poverty and Economic Polarization among America's Minority and Immigrant Children. Daniel T. Lichter, Zhenchao Qian, Martha L. Crowley. Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. (2005-06)

Maternal Working Conditions and Child Well-Being in Welfare-leaving Families. Rachel Dunifon, Ph.D., Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University; Ariel Kalil, Ph.D., Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago. (2005-05)

Time and the Cost of Children. Bruce Bradbury, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW. (2005-04)

A Measure of Spatial Segregation: The Generalized Neighborhood Sorting Index. Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas; Jeongdai Kim, University of Texas at Dallas. (2005-03)

The GINI Coefficient and Segregation on a Continuous Variable. Jeongdai Kim, University of Texas at Dallas; Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas.. (2005-02)

The Material Well-Being of Single Mother Households in the 1980s and 1990s: What Can We Learn from Food Spending? Thomas DeLeire, Michigan State University. Helen Levy, University of Michigan. (2005-01)