| 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Estimating and Benchmarking the Trend in Poverty from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Lloyd D. Grieger, Sheldon Danziger, Robert F. Schoeni. (2007-36)
Last Hired, First Fired? Black-White Unemployment and the Business Cycle. Kenneth A. Couch, Robert Fairlie. (2007-35)
Mexican-American Entrepreneurship. Robert W. Fairlie, Christopher Woodruff. (2007-34)
Deciding to Discipline: A Multi-Method Study of Race, Choice, and Punishment at the Frontlines of Welfare Reform. Sanford F. Schram, Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording, and Linda Houser. (2007-33)
Does welfare reform affect fertility? Evidence from the UK. Mike Brewer, Anita Ratcliffe, Sarah Smith. (2007-32)
Mechanisms for the Association Between Maternal Employment and Child Cognitive Development. John Cawley, Feng Liu (2007-31)
How to Improve Poverty Measurement in the United States Rebecca Blank. (2007-30)
Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: A Search for Mechanisms in Time Use Data. John Cawley, Feng Liu. (2007-29)
The Growing Problem of Disconnected Single Mothers.
Rebecca Blank, Brian Kovak. (2007-28)
The Income Gradient and Distribution-Sensitive Measures of Overweight in the U.S. Dean Jolliffe. (2007-27)
Work after Welfare Reform and the Well-being of Children. Rucker C. Johnson, Ariel Kalil, and Rachel E. Dunifon. (2007-26)
Temporary Help Agencies and the Advancement Prospects of Low Earners. Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, and Julia Lane. (2007-25)
Down but not out: Unstable resilience and strategies to stabilize involvement of low‐income fathers. Kevin Roy, Rob Palkovitz, and Jay Fagan. (2007-24)
Incarceration and the Transition to Adulthood. Gary Sweeten and Robert Apel. (2007-23)
Birth Weight, Academic Achievement, and Life Chances: A Comparison of Siblings from Childhood into Early Adulthood. Jacob E. Cheadle and Bridget J. Goosby. (2007-22)
Birth Weight, Math, and Reading Achievement Growth: A Multilevel Between-Sibling, Between-Families Approach. Bridget J. Goosby and Jacob E. Cheadle. (2007-21)
Mental Illness as a Barrier to Marriage Among Mothers With Out-of-Wedlock Births. Julien O. Teitler, School of Social Work, Columbia University; Nancy E. Reichman, Department of Pediatrics, Princeton University. (2007-20)
What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Need to Know about Welfare Reform. Rebecca M. Blank, University of Michigan. (2007-19)
The Changing Face of Welfare during the Bush Administration. Scott W. Allard, Brown University. (2007-18)
Is Marriage Protective for all Children at Birth? A Cumulative Risk Perspective. Cynthia Osborne, University of Texas at Austin. (2007-17)
Do Local Economic Development Programs Work? Evidence From the Federal Empowerment Zone Program. Matias Busso, University of Michigan, and Patrick Kline, University of Michigan. (2007-16)
Associations of Family Structure States and Transitions During Middle Childhood. Katherine Magnuson, University of Wisconsin Madison, Lawrence M. Berger, University of Wisconsin Madison. (2007-15)
Mismatches and Unmet Need: Access to Social Services in Urban and Rural America. Scott W. Allard, Brown University. (2007-14)
Marriage Patterns among Unwed Mothers: Before and After PRWORA. Deborah Roempke Graefe, Pennsylvania State University and Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University. (2007-13)
Toward a Fuller Understanding of Nonresident Father Involvement: A Joint Examination of Child Support and In-Kind Support Receipt. Steven Garasky, Susan D. Stewart, Craig Gundersen, and Brenda J. Lohman, Iowa State University. (2007-12)
Subsidized Contraception, Fertility, and Sexual Behavior. Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER; and Phillip B. Levine, Wellesley College and NBER. (2007-11)
Why Are So Many Americans in Prison? Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley and Michael A. Stoll, University of California, Los Angeles. (2007-10)
The Benefits And Costs Of Head Start. Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University, and Deborah A. Phillips, Georgetown University. (2007-09)
The Effect of Criminal Background Checks on Hiring Ex-Offenders. Michael A. Stoll, UCLA School of Public Affairs, and Shawn D. Bushway, University at Albany. (2007-08)
Race and Revitalization in the Rust Belt: A Motor City Story. Reynolds Farley, University of Michigan; Mick Couper, University of Michigan; and Maria Krysan, University of Chicago at Chicago. (2007-07)
Methodological Frontiers of Public Finance Field Experiments. Jeffrey R. Kling, The Brookings Institution. (2007-06)
The Influence of Early-Life Events on Human Capital, Health Status, and Labor Market Outcomes Over the Life Course. Rucker C. Johnson, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, Robert F. Schoeni, ISR, Ford School of Public Policy, and Department of Economics, University of Michigan. (2007-05)
The Economic Costs of Poverty in the United States: Subsequent Effects of Children Growing Up Poor. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and the Urban Institute, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, University of Chicago, and Greg J. Duncan, Northwestern University, and Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University and National Bureau of Economic Research. (2007-04)
Children s Time Use And Parental Involvement In Low-Income Families. W. Jean Yeung, New York University and Rebecca Glauber, New York University. (2007-03)
Black-White Achievement Gap and Family Wealth. W. Jean Yeung, New York University and Dalton Conley, New York University. (2007-02)
Maternal Work Hours and Adolescents School Outcomes Among Low-Income Families in Four Urban Counties. Lisa A. Gennetian, MDRC, and Leonard M. Lopoo, Syracuse University, and Andrew S. London, Syracuse University. (2007-01)