| 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Good Workers for Good Jobs: Improving Education and Workforce Systems in the US Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University (2012-20)
Do Alternative Base Periods Increase Unemployment Insurance Receipt Among Low-Educated Unemployed Workers? Alix Gould-Werth and H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan (2012-19)
Percent Plans, Automatic Admissions, and College Enrollment Outcomes Lindsay Daugherty and Francisco (Paco) Martorell, Rand Corporation and Isaac McFarlin, Jr., University of Michigan (2012-18)
Promoting Economic Security among Low Income Families in the United States: The Effects of Food Stamps on Labor Supply, Income and Poverty Udaya R. Wagle, Western Michigan University (2012-17)
Feedback Effects of Nonprofit Program Design: An Analysis of the Effects of the Starfish Family Services Family Success Program Carolyn Barnes, Sandra K. Danziger, and Richard Rodems, University of Michigan (2012-16)
Why is the Teen Birth Rate in the United States so High and Why Does it Matter? Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER and Phillip B. Levin, Wesley College and NBER (2012-15)
We re Not All Deadbeat Parents: Welfare Recipient Voices on Unmet Service Needs Sandra K. Danziger, Jessica Wiederspan, and J. A. Siegel, University of Michigan (2012-14)
Explaining Recent Trends in the U.S. Teen Birth Rate Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER and Phillip B. Levin, Wesley College and NBER (2012-13)
The Welfare Reforms of the 1990s and the Stratification of Material Well-Being among Low-Income Households with Children H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan and Marci Ybarra, University of Chicago (2012-12)
The Continuum of Connection: Low-income Families and Economic Support during the Great Recession Kristin Seefeldt, Indiana University and Meredith Horowski, University of Michigan (2012-11)
Familial Financial Assistance to Young Adults Patrick Wightman and Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan and Keith Robinson, University of Texas at Austin (2012-10)
A Very Uneven Road: US Labor Markets in the Past 30 Years Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and AIR
Marek Hlavac, Harvard University (2012-9)
Housing Assistance and Disconnection from Welfare and Work: Assessing the Impacts of Public Housing and Tenant-based Rental Subsidies Andrea Hetling, Rutgers
Hilary Botein, Baruch College (2012-8)
The Role of Advertising in the Growth of the SNAP Caseload Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Michigan State University; Katie Fitzpatrick, Seattle University; Laura Tiehen, United States Department of Agriculture (2012-7)
Is a Bad Economy Good for Marriage? The Relationship between Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Stability from 1998-2009 Kristen Harknett, University of Pennsylvania and Daniel Schneider, Princeton University (2012-6)
Perceived Job Insecurity and Health: The Michigan Recession and Recovery Study Sarah A. Burgard and Lucie Kalousova, University of Michigan and Kristin S. Seefeldt, Indiana University (2012-5)
Low Income Families' Utilization of the Federal "Safety Net": Individual and State-Level Predictors of TANF and Food Stamp Receipt Kelly M. Purtell and Elizabeth T. Gershoff, University of Texas at Austin and J. Lawrence Aber, New York University (2012-4)
Getting to Work: Experimental Evidence on Job Search and Transportation Costs David Phillips, Georgetown University (2012-3)
Are Interstate Cases Still the 'Black Hole' of Child Support Enforcement? Effects of the Uniform Interstate Enforcement Act Elizabeth T. Powers, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (2012-2)
The Great Recession s Impact on African American Public Sector Employment William M. Rodgers III, Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2012-1)