NPC Working Papers

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Can Poverty in America Be Compared to Conditions in the World's Poorest Countries? H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan, Pinghui Wu, University of Michigan, and Kathryn Edin, Johns Hopkins University (2016-7)

Growing Wealth Gaps in Education Fabian Pfeffer, University of Michigan (2016-6)

The Generational Structure of U.S. Families and Their Intergenerational Transfers Emily e. Wiemers, University of Massachusetts Boston, Judith A. Seltzer, University of California Los Angeles, Robert F. Schoeni, University of Michigan, V. Joseph Hotz, Duke University, and Suzanna M. Bianchi (1952 - 2013) (2016-5)

A Consistent Data Series to Evaluate Growth and Inequality in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler, Bureau of Economic Analysis, David Johnson, University of Michigan, Andrew Craig, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Kevin Furlong, Bureau of Economic Analysis (2016-4)

Giving Unto Others: Private Financial Transfers and Hardship Among Families with Children Natasha Pilkauskas, University of Michigan, Colin Campbell, University of Wisconsin, and Christopher Wimer, Columbia University (2016-3)

Inequality and Mobility using Income, Consumption, and Wealth for the Same Individuals Jonathan Fisher, Stanford University, David Johnson, University of Michigan, Jonathan Latner, University of Bremen, Timothy Smeeding, University of Wisconsin, and Jeffrey Thompson, Federal Reserve Board of Governors (2016-2)

Testing Strategies to Increase Saving and Retention in Individual Development Account Programs C�zilia Loibl, The Ohio State University; Lauren Jones, The Ohio State University; Emily Haisley, Lloyds Digital; George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University (2016-1)

The Unnoticed Actor: The Employer�s Role in Unemployment Benefit Claims Alix Gould-Werth, University of Michigan (2015-1)

"The Help that We Get": Racial Differences in Private Safety Nets and the Scarring Effects of Unemployment Following the Great Recession Alix Gould-Werth, University of Michigan (2014-1)

Evolving the U.S. Department of Labor for the New Workforce William M. Rodgers III, The State University of New Jersey and the National Poverty Center, University of Michigan, Sarah Horowitz, Freelancers Union, and Gabrielle Wuolo, Freelancers Union (2013-11)

Racial Disparities in Economic Well-Being in the Detroit Metropolitan Area After the Great Recession Lucie Kalousova and Sheldon Danziger, University of Michigan (2013-10)

What We Know About Workforce Development for Low-Income Workers: Evidence, Background and Ideas for the Future Caroline Massad Francis, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (2013-9)

The Motherhood Wage Gap for U.S. and First-generation Immigrant and Native Women Anjali Srivastava, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and William M. Rodgers III, The State University of New Jersey and the National Poverty Center, University of Michigan (2013-8)

The Earnings Gap between Documented and Undocumented U.S. Farmworkers: 1990 to 2009 Elizabeth Nisbet, Center for Women and Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and William M. Rodgers III, Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, The State University of New Jersey and the National Poverty Center, University of Michigan (2013-7)

Rising Extreme Poverty in the United States and the Response of Federal Means-Tested Transfer Programs H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan and Kathryn Edin, Harvard University (2013-6)

Wealth Disparities before and after the Great Recession Fabian T. Pfeffer, Sheldon Danziger, and Robert F. Schoeni, University of Michigan (2013-5)

The Impact of City Contracting Set-Asides on Black Self-Employment and Employment Aaron K. Chatterji, Duke University, Kenneth Y. Chay, Brown University, and Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz (2013-4)

The Effects of the Great Recession on the Retirement Security of Older Workers Alicia H. Munnell and Matthew S. Rutledge, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (2013-3)

Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Home Computers on Academic Achievement among Schoolchildren Robert W. Fairlie and Jonathan Robinson, University of California, Santa Cruz (2013-2)

Pensions for Singles and Couples Bruce Bradbury, University of New South Wales (2013-1)

Good Workers for Good Jobs: Improving Education and Workforce Systems in the US Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University (2012-20)

Do Alternative Base Periods Increase Unemployment Insurance Receipt Among Low-Educated Unemployed Workers? Alix Gould-Werth and H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan (2012-19)

Percent Plans, Automatic Admissions, and College Enrollment Outcomes Lindsay Daugherty and Francisco (Paco) Martorell, Rand Corporation and Isaac McFarlin, Jr., University of Michigan (2012-18)

Promoting Economic Security among Low Income Families in the United States: The Effects of Food Stamps on Labor Supply, Income and Poverty Udaya R. Wagle, Western Michigan University (2012-17)

Feedback Effects of Nonprofit Program Design: An Analysis of the Effects of the Starfish Family Services Family Success Program Carolyn Barnes, Sandra K. Danziger, and Richard Rodems, University of Michigan (2012-16)

Why is the Teen Birth Rate in the United States so High and Why Does it Matter? Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER and Phillip B. Levin, Wesley College and NBER (2012-15)

We�re Not All Deadbeat Parents: Welfare Recipient Voices on Unmet Service Needs Sandra K. Danziger, Jessica Wiederspan, and J. A. Siegel, University of Michigan (2012-14)

Explaining Recent Trends in the U.S. Teen Birth Rate Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER and Phillip B. Levin, Wesley College and NBER (2012-13)

The Welfare Reforms of the 1990s and the Stratification of Material Well-Being among Low-Income Households with Children H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan and Marci Ybarra, University of Chicago (2012-12)

The Continuum of Connection: Low-income Families and Economic Support during the Great Recession Kristin Seefeldt, Indiana University and Meredith Horowski, University of Michigan (2012-11)

Familial Financial Assistance to Young Adults Patrick Wightman and Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan and Keith Robinson, University of Texas at Austin (2012-10)

A Very Uneven Road: US Labor Markets in the Past 30 Years Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and AIR
Marek Hlavac, Harvard University (2012-9)

Housing Assistance and Disconnection from Welfare and Work: Assessing the Impacts of Public Housing and Tenant-based Rental Subsidies Andrea Hetling, Rutgers
Hilary Botein, Baruch College (2012-8)

The Role of Advertising in the Growth of the SNAP Caseload Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Michigan State University; Katie Fitzpatrick, Seattle University; Laura Tiehen, United States Department of Agriculture (2012-7)

Is a Bad Economy Good for Marriage? The Relationship between Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Stability from 1998-2009 Kristen Harknett, University of Pennsylvania and Daniel Schneider, Princeton University (2012-6)

Perceived Job Insecurity and Health: The Michigan Recession and Recovery Study Sarah A. Burgard and Lucie Kalousova, University of Michigan and Kristin S. Seefeldt, Indiana University (2012-5)

Low Income Families' Utilization of the Federal "Safety Net": Individual and State-Level Predictors of TANF and Food Stamp Receipt Kelly M. Purtell and Elizabeth T. Gershoff, University of Texas at Austin and J. Lawrence Aber, New York University (2012-4)

Getting to Work: Experimental Evidence on Job Search and Transportation Costs David Phillips, Georgetown University (2012-3)

Are Interstate Cases Still the 'Black Hole' of Child Support Enforcement? Effects of the Uniform Interstate Enforcement Act Elizabeth T. Powers, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (2012-2)

The Great Recession�s Impact on African American Public Sector Employment William M. Rodgers III, Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2012-1)

Creating Effective Education and Workforce Policies for Metropolitan Labor Markets in the U.S. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University (2011-31)

Do Single Mothers in the United States use the Earned Income Tax Credit to Reduce Unsecured Debt? H. Luke Shaefer, Xiaoqing Song, and Trina R. Williams Shanks, University of Michigan (2011-30)

Liquidity Constraints, Household Wealth, and Entrepreneurship Revisited Robert W. Fairlie, University of California � Santa Cruz and RAND, and Harry A. Krashinsky, University of Toronto (2011-29)

Participation in Unemployment Insurance: Differences in Application Rates and Receipt among Applicants by Education and Race and Ethnicity Alix Gould-Werth and H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan (2011-28)

Re-examining the Impact of Dropping out on Criminal and Labor Outcomes in Early Adulthood David Bjerk, Claremont McKenna College (2011-27)

Women�s Multipartnered Fertility and the Criminal Justice System Eirik Evenhouse and Siobh�n Reilly, Mills College (2011-26)

Making Ends Meet After Prison: How Former Prisoners Use Employment, Social Support, Public Benefits, and Crime to Meet their Basic Material Needs David J. Harding, Jessica J.B. Wyse, Cheyney Dobson, and Jeffrey D. Morenoff, University of Michigan (2011-25)

Youth Early Employment and Behavior Problems: Human Capital and Social Network Pathways to Adulthood Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, National University of Singapore and University of Michigan and Emily Rauscher, New York University (2011-24)

Housing Instability and Health: Findings from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study Sarah A. Burgard, University of Michigan, Kristin S. Seefeldt, Indiana University, and Sarah W. Johnson, University of Michigan (2011-23)

Intergenerational Stratification, Child Development and the Black-White Achievement Gap Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, National University of Singapore, Caroline Hodges Persell and Michael Chavez Reilly, New York University

Family Finances after the Great Recession � Evidence from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study Ngina Chiteji, Skidmore College and Sheldon Danziger, University of Michigan (2011-21)

Poverty among U.S.- and Foreign-Born Asian and Hispanic Adults: A Comparison across �Fractionalized� Immigrant Generations Marie T. Mora, The University of Texas � Pan American (2011-20)

An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Anti-Poverty Programs in the United States Yonatan Ben-Shalom, Mathematica Policy Research
Robert Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University
John Karl Scholz, University of Wisconsin--Madison (2011-19)

The Effects of Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on the Material Hardship of Low-Income Families with Children H. Luke Shaefer and Italo Gutierrez, University of Michigan. (2011-18)

Entrepreneurship, Economic Conditions, and the Great Recession Robert W. Fairlie, University of California and RAND (2011-17)

The Geography of Exclusion: Race, Segregation, and Concentrated Poverty Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University, Domenico Parisi and Michael C. Taquino, Mississippi State University (2011-16)

Gendered Rehabilitation: Targeting Treatment of Reproducing Inequality? Jessica JB Wyse, University of Michigan (2011-15)

Does Failing a Placement Exam Discourage Underprepared Students from Going to College? Paco Martorell, RAND, Isaac McFarlin Jr., University of Michigan, and Yu Xue, University of Texas - Dallas (2011-14)

Economic Instability Trends and Levels across Household Surveys Scott Winship, The Pew Charitable Trusts (2011-13)

The Effect of Unemployment on Household Composition and Doubling Up Emily E. Wiemers, University of Michigan (2011-12)

Veteran Status and Material Hardship: The Moderating Influence of Disability Colleen M. Heflin, University of Missouri-Columbia, Janet M. Wilmoth, Syracuse University, and Andrew S. London, Syracuse University (2011-11)

Work-related Disability, Veteran Status, and Poverty: Implications for Family Well-being Andrew S. London, Syracuse University , Colleen M. Heflin, University of Missouri-Columbia, and Janet M. Wilmoth, Syracuse University (2011-10)

The Black-White Gaps in Earning Profiles: Recent Cohort Trends in the United States Lingxin Hao, Johns Hopkins University (2011-9)

WIC Participation by Children who Participate as Infants: The Roles of (Re-)Certification and Changes in Family Composition Christopher A. Swann, University of North Carolina - Greensboro (2011-8)

Parental Income and Children's Well-being and Future Success: An Analysis of the SIPP matched to SSA Earnings Data Bhashkar Mazumder, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2011-7)

Long-Run Earnings Volatility and Health Insurance Coverage: Evidence from the SIPP Gold Standard File Matthew S. Rutledge, Boston College (2011-6)

Recessions and the Annual Labor Market Earnings of Vulnerable Workers: New Evidence using Longitudinal Administrative Earnings Data H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan (2011-5)

Divorce and Women�s Risk of Health Insurance Loss in the U.S Bridget J. Lavelle and Pamela J. Smock, University of Michigan (2011-4)

Partially Identifying the Impact of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Food Insecurity among Children: Addressing Endogeneity and Misreporting Using the SIPP Craig Gunderson, University of Illinois, Brent Kreider, Iowa State University, and John Pepper, University of Virginia (2011-3)

Offsetting and the Consumption of Social Responsibility Ezra Rosser, American University (2011-2)

Immigration Policy and Less-Skilled Workers in the United States: Reflections on Future Directions for Reform Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and the Urban Institute (2011-1)

Is Employer-Based Health Insurance a Barrier to Entrepreneurship? Robert W. Fairlie, University of California-Santa Cruz and RAND, Kanika Kapur, University College of Dublin, and Susan Gates, RAND (2010-10)

An Economic View of Food Deserts in the United States Marianne Bitler, University of California-Irvine, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and NBER, and Steven J. Haider, Michigan State University (2010-9)

Young Adults and Higher Education: Barriers and Breakthroughs to Success Thomas Brock, MDRC (2010-8)

Troubling Times: The Declining Economic Status of Michigan Relative to the Rest of the United States, High School Graduates Relative to College Graduates and Men Relative to Women Sheldon H. Danziger and Reynolds Farley, University of Michigan (2010-7)

Parental Job Loss and Children�s Educational Attainment in Black and White Middle-Class Families (10-06) Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago and Patrick Wightman, University of Michigan (2010-6)

The Role of Earned Income Tax Credit in the Budgets of Low-Income Families Ruby Mendenhall, University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana, Kathryn Edin, Harvard University, Susan Crowley, Harvard University, Jennifer Sykes, Harvard University, Laura Tach, Harvard University, Katrin Kriz, Emmanuel College, and Jeffrey R. Kling, Congressional Budget Office and NBER (2010-5)

Improving Education and Employment for Disadvantaged Young Men: Proven and Promising Strategies Carolyn J. Heinrich, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University (2010-4)

Making the 1996 Welfare Reform Work: The Promise of a Job Anthony J. Mallon, Virginia Commonwealth University and Guy V.G. Stevens, Federal Reserve Board (ret.) (2010-3)

Explaining Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Spatial Mismatch: The Primacy of Racial Segregation Michael A. Stoll, UCLA and Kenya L. Covington, California State University (2010-2)

The Impact of Minimum Wage Increases: Evidence from Fast-Food Establishments in Illinois and Indiana Elizabeth T. Powers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2010-1)

Part-Time Workers: Some Key Differences Between Primary and Secondary Earners H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan (2009-16)

How Much Can We Trust Causal Interpretations of Fixed-Effects Estimators in the Context of Criminality? David Bjerk, Robert Day School of Economics and Finance, Claremont McKenna College (2009-15)

Young Adults and Higher Education: Barriers and Breakthroughs to Success Thomas Brock, MDRC (2009-14)

Distributional Effects of Early Childhood Programs and Business Incentives and Their Implications for Policy Timothy J. Bartik, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (2009-13)

Labor Market Outcomes and the Transition to Adulthood Sheldon Danziger and David Ratner, University of Michigan (2009-12)

Meeting the Basic Needs of Children: Does Income Matter? Lisa A. Gennetian, The Brookings Institution and Nina Castells and Pamela Morris, MDRC (2009-11)

Post 9-11 U.S. Muslim Labor Market Outcomes Faisal Rabby, Missouri State University and William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2009-10)

The Supplemental Security Income Program and Material Hardship after the 1996 Welfare Reform Lucie Schmidt, Williams College and Sheldon Danziger, University of Michigan (2009-09)

The Credit Market Consequences of Job Displacement Benjamin J. Keys, University of Michigan (2009-08)

The Effects of SCHIP Expansion on Family Insurance and Out-of-Pocket Medical Costs H. Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Grogan, University of Chicago; Harold A. Pollack, University of Chicago (2009-07)

Changing Poverty and Changing Antipoverty Policies Maria Cancian, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sheldon Danziger, University of Michigan (2009-06)

The Information Theory of Segregation: Uniting Segregation and Inequality in a Common Framework Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas; Jeongdai Kim, Green Mountain Energy Co. (2009-05)

What Do High-Interest Borrowers Do with their Tax Rebate? Marianne Bertrand and Adair Morse, University of Chicago (2009-04)

Religiousness and Psychological Distress of Women after Hurricane Katrina Christian S. Chan and Jean E. Rhodes, University of Massachusetts, Boston (2009-03)

Parental Job Loss and Children�s Educational Attainment in Black and White Middle Class Families Ariel Kalil and Patrick Wightman, University of Chicago (2009-02)

Trends in the Transitory Variance of Male Earnings in the U.S., 1970 � 2004 Robert Moffitt, John Hopkins University; Peter Gottschalk, Boston College (2009-01)

Working Poverty in Michigan, 1998 and 2007: The Roles of Transfers, Labor Market, and Demographic Characteristics Udaya R. Wagle, Western Michigan University (2008-19)

Living Wage Laws: How Much Do (Can) they Matter? Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown Public Policy Institute (2008-18)

Workforce Development as an Antipoverty Strategy: What Do We Know? What Should We Do? Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown Public Policy Institute (2008-17)

Compounded Disadvantage: Race, Incarceration, and Wage Growth Christopher J. Lyons, University of New Mexico; Becky Pettit, University of Washington (2008-16)

The Kerner Commission Plus Four Decades: What Has Changed? What Has Not? Reynolds Farley, University of Michigan (2008-15)

Last Hired, First Fired? Black-White Unemployment and the Business Cycle Kenneth A. Couch, University of Connecticut; Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz (2008-14)

Gender Differences in Business Performance: Evidence from the Characteristics of Business Owners Survey Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz; Alicia M. Robb, University of California, Santa Cruz (2008-13)

Cause or Consequence? Suburbanization and Crime in U.S Metropolitan Areas Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas; Yoonhwan Park, University of Texas at Dallas (2008-12)

Implementation of 'Within My Reach:' Providing a Relationship Awareness and Communications Skills Program to TANF Recipients in Oklahoma Anne Sparks (2008-11)

Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: A Natural Experiment of the Effect of Residential Change on Recidivism David S. Kirk (2008-10)

Capability and Income Poverty in the United States: A Comparative Analysis of the Measurement Outcomes and Poverty Profiles Between 1994 and 2004. Udaya R. Wagle (2008-09)

The Impact of Income on the Weight of Elderly Americans. John Cawley, John Moran, Kosali Simon (2008-08)

Obesity and Developmental Functioning Among Children Aged 2-4 Years John Cawley, C. Katharina Spiess (2008-07)

Avenues to Self-Sufficiency: The Accessibility and Stability of Faith-based and Community-based Service Organizations in Urban and Rural America. Scott Allard. (2008-06)

Organizations and Exclusion: An Inquiry Into Bureaucratic Proceduralism. Evelyn Z. Brodkin, Malay Majmundar. (2008-05)

Food Insecurity, Economic Stressors, and Childhood Overweight. Steven Garasky, Susan D. Stewart, Craig Gundersen, Brenda J. Lohman, Joey C. Eisenmann. (2008-04)

Effects of Neighborhood Characteristics on the Mortality of Black Male Youth: Evidence from Gautreaux. Mark E. Votruba, Jeffrey R. Kling. (2008-03)

Social Policy and Inequality. Christopher Bollinger, James P. Ziliak (2008-02)

The Risk of Unemployment among Disadvantaged and Advantaged Male Workers, 1968-2003. Benjamin J. Keys, Sheldon Danziger (2008-01)

Estimating and Benchmarking the Trend in Poverty from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Lloyd D. Grieger, Sheldon Danziger, Robert F. Schoeni. (2007-36)

Last Hired, First Fired? Black-White Unemployment and the Business Cycle. Kenneth A. Couch, Robert Fairlie. (2007-35)

Mexican-American Entrepreneurship. Robert W. Fairlie, Christopher Woodruff. (2007-34)

Deciding to Discipline: A Multi-Method Study of Race, Choice, and Punishment at the Frontlines of Welfare Reform. Sanford F. Schram, Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording, and Linda Houser. (2007-33)

Does welfare reform affect fertility? Evidence from the UK. Mike Brewer, Anita Ratcliffe, Sarah Smith. (2007-32)

Mechanisms for the Association Between Maternal Employment and Child Cognitive Development. John Cawley, Feng Liu (2007-31)

How to Improve Poverty Measurement in the United States Rebecca Blank. (2007-30)

Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: A Search for Mechanisms in Time Use Data. John Cawley, Feng Liu. (2007-29)

The Growing Problem of Disconnected Single Mothers.
Rebecca Blank, Brian Kovak. (2007-28)

The Income Gradient and Distribution-Sensitive Measures of Overweight in the U.S. Dean Jolliffe. (2007-27)

Work after Welfare Reform and the Well-being of Children. Rucker C. Johnson, Ariel Kalil, and Rachel E. Dunifon. (2007-26)

Temporary Help Agencies and the Advancement Prospects of Low Earners. Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, and Julia Lane. (2007-25)

Down but not out: Unstable resilience and strategies to stabilize involvement of low‐income fathers. Kevin Roy, Rob Palkovitz, and Jay Fagan. (2007-24)

Incarceration and the Transition to Adulthood. Gary Sweeten and Robert Apel. (2007-23)

Birth Weight, Academic Achievement, and Life Chances: A Comparison of Siblings from Childhood into Early Adulthood. Jacob E. Cheadle and Bridget J. Goosby. (2007-22)

Birth Weight, Math, and Reading Achievement Growth: A Multilevel Between-Sibling, Between-Families Approach. Bridget J. Goosby and Jacob E. Cheadle. (2007-21)

Mental Illness as a Barrier to Marriage Among Mothers With Out-of-Wedlock Births. Julien O. Teitler, School of Social Work, Columbia University; Nancy E. Reichman, Department of Pediatrics, Princeton University. (2007-20)

What We Know, What We Don�t Know, and What We Need to Know about Welfare Reform. Rebecca M. Blank, University of Michigan. (2007-19)

The Changing Face of Welfare during the Bush Administration. Scott W. Allard, Brown University. (2007-18)

Is Marriage Protective for all Children at Birth? A Cumulative Risk Perspective. Cynthia Osborne, University of Texas at Austin. (2007-17)

Do Local Economic Development Programs Work? Evidence From the Federal Empowerment Zone Program. Matias Busso, University of Michigan, and Patrick Kline, University of Michigan. (2007-16)

Associations of Family Structure States and Transitions During Middle Childhood. Katherine Magnuson, University of Wisconsin�Madison, Lawrence M. Berger, University of Wisconsin�Madison. (2007-15)

Mismatches and Unmet Need: Access to Social Services in Urban and Rural America. Scott W. Allard, Brown University. (2007-14)

Marriage Patterns among Unwed Mothers: Before and After PRWORA. Deborah Roempke Graefe, Pennsylvania State University and Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University. (2007-13)

Toward a Fuller Understanding of Nonresident Father Involvement: A Joint Examination of Child Support and In-Kind Support Receipt. Steven Garasky, Susan D. Stewart, Craig Gundersen, and Brenda J. Lohman, Iowa State University. (2007-12)

Subsidized Contraception, Fertility, and Sexual Behavior. Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and NBER; and Phillip B. Levine, Wellesley College and NBER. (2007-11)

Why Are So Many Americans in Prison? Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley and Michael A. Stoll, University of California, Los Angeles. (2007-10)

The Benefits And Costs Of Head Start. Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University, and Deborah A. Phillips, Georgetown University. (2007-09)

The Effect of Criminal Background Checks on Hiring Ex-Offenders. Michael A. Stoll, UCLA School of Public Affairs, and Shawn D. Bushway, University at Albany. (2007-08)

Race and Revitalization in the Rust Belt: A Motor City Story. Reynolds Farley, University of Michigan; Mick Couper, University of Michigan; and Maria Krysan, University of Chicago at Chicago. (2007-07)

Methodological Frontiers of Public Finance Field Experiments. Jeffrey R. Kling, The Brookings Institution. (2007-06)

The Influence of Early-Life Events on Human Capital, Health Status, and Labor Market Outcomes Over the Life Course. Rucker C. Johnson, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, Robert F. Schoeni, ISR, Ford School of Public Policy, and Department of Economics, University of Michigan. (2007-05)

The Economic Costs of Poverty in the United States: Subsequent Effects of Children Growing Up Poor. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and the Urban Institute, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, University of Chicago, and Greg J. Duncan, Northwestern University, and Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University and National Bureau of Economic Research. (2007-04)

Children�s Time Use And Parental Involvement In Low-Income Families. W. Jean Yeung, New York University and Rebecca Glauber, New York University. (2007-03)

Black-White Achievement Gap and Family Wealth. W. Jean Yeung, New York University and Dalton Conley, New York University. (2007-02)

Maternal Work Hours and Adolescents� School Outcomes Among Low-Income Families in Four Urban Counties. Lisa A. Gennetian, MDRC, and Leonard M. Lopoo, Syracuse University, and Andrew S. London, Syracuse University. (2007-01)

Cultural Context, Sexual Behavior, and Romantic Relationships in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods. David J. Harding, University of Michigan. (2006-46)

Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Developmental Science: Uses and Methodological Choices. Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Harvard University; Thomas S. Weisner, University of California, Los Angeles; Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago; Niobe Way, New York University. (2006-45)

Immigrants and Neighborhoods of Concentrated Poverty: Assimilation or Stagnation? Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas. (2006-44)

White-Collar Woes: Later-Career Job Displacement in the �New Risk Economy.� Ruby Mendenhall, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago; Laurel J. Spindel, University of Chicago; and Cassandra Hart, Northwestern University. (2006-43)

The Social Costs of Concentrated Poverty: Externalities to Neighboring Households and Property Owners and the Dynamics of Decline. George C. Galster, Wayne State University; Jackie M. Cutsinger, Wayne State University; and Ron Malega, University of Georgia (2006-42)

The New Employment Contract and Worker Health in the United States. Richard H. Price, University of Michigan, and Sarah A. Burgard, University of Michigan (2006-41)

Welfare Reform and Indirect Impacts on Health. Marianne P. Bitler, Public Policy Institute of California, and Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California, Davis and NBER (2006-40)

Space and Change in the Measurement of Poverty Concentration: Detroit in the 1990s. Joe Grengs, University of Michigan. (2006-39)

Why Are Black-Owned Businesses Less Successful than White-Owned Businesses? The Role of Families, Inheritances, and Business Human Capital. Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz and Alicia M. Robb, University of California, Santa Cruz. (2006-38)

An Assessment of the Income and Expenses of America�s Low-Income Families Using Survey Data from the National Survey of America�s Families. Gregory Acs, The Urban Institute, and Austin Nichols, The Urban Institute. (2006-37)

Assessing Expenditures on Children in Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse and Immigrant Families. Julieta Lugo-Gil, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., and Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Harvard University (2006-36)

Three Decades of Consumption and Income Poverty. Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER, and James X. Sullivan, University of Notre Dame (2006-35)

The impact of young motherhood on Education, Employment and Marriage. Bruce Bradbury, University of New South Wales (2006-34)

The Changing Spatial Concentration of America�s Rural Poor Population. Daniel T. Lichter, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University, and Kenneth Johnson, Loyola University of Chicago. (2006-33)

Labor Market Experiences and Transitions to Adulthood. Carolyn J. Hill, Georgetown University and Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University. (2006-32)

Micro-simulating Child Poverty in Great Britain in 2010 and 2020. Mike Brewer, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and James Browne, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and Professor Holly Sutherland, Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Essex. (2006-31)

Developmental Health Effects of Human Development Policies. Daniel P. Keating, University of Michigan and Sharon Z. Simonton, University of Michigan. (2006-30)

How Well Can We Measure the Well-Being of the Poor Using Food Expenditure? Thomas DeLeire, Michigan State University and Congressional Budget Office; and Helen Levy, University of Michigan. (2006-29)

The Effects of Welfare and Child Support Policies on Maternal Health and Wellbeing Jean Knab, Princeton University; Irv Garfinkel, Columbia University; Sara McLanahan, Princeton University. (2006-28)

Income Support Policies and Health among the Elderly Pamela Herd, University of Wisconsin, Madison; James House, University of Michigan; and Robert F. Schoeni, University of Michigan. (2006-27)

Macroeconomic Conditions, Health and Government Policy Christopher J. Ruhm, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and NBER. (2006-26)

Lifting Gates--Lengthening Lives: Did Civil Rights Policies Improve the Health of African-American Women in the 1960's and 1970's? George Kaplan, Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan; Nalini Ranjit, Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, Department of Epidemiology, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan; Sarah Burgard, Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, Department of Epidemiology, Department of Sociology, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan (2006-25)

Redlining Or Risk? A Spatial Analysis of Auto Insurance Rates in Los Angeles Paul M. Ong, School of Public Affairs, UCLA; and Michael A. Stoll, School of Public Affairs, UCLA (2006-24)

Can Ethnicity Transcend Race and Poverty? Insights from Source Country Variation in Immigrant Student Achievement Dylan Conger, School of Public Policy and Public Administration, The George Washington University. (2006-23)

The Effects of Male Incarceration Dynamics on AIDS Infection Rates among African-American Women and Men Rucker C. Johnson, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley; Steven Raphael, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley. (2006-22)

Socioeconomic Gradients in Early Child Health Across Race, Ethnicity and Nativity Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Columbia University. (2006-21)

Did the Introduction of Food Stamps Affect Birth Outcomes in California? Janet Currie, Columbia University; Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley. (2006-20)

Education and Health: Evaluating Theories and Evidence David Cutler, Harvard University, and Adriana Lleras-Muney, Princeton University. (2006-19)

Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the Duration of Children�s Exposure to Neighborhood Poverty and Affluence Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Cincinnati (2006-18)

The Incidence Of Poverty Across Three Generations Of Black And White Immigrants In The Post Civil Rights Era: Assessing The Impacts Of Race And Ancestry Amon Emeka, Department of Sociology, University of Southern California. (2006-17)

Poverty, Migration and Health David R. Williams, Departments of Sociology and Epidemiology, and Survey Research Center, University of Michigan; Selina A. Mohammed, Women�s Health Disparities, School of Nursing, University of Michigan (2006-16)

Race, Poverty and Punishment: The Impact Of Criminal Sanctions On Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Inequality Darren Wheelock, University of Minnesota; Christopher Uggen, University of Minnesota (2006-15)

Race, Place and Poverty Revisited Michael A. Stoll, UCLA (2006-14)

Coloring the Terms of Membership: Reinventing the Divided Citizenry in an Era of Neoliberal Paternalism Joe Soss, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin
Sanford F. Schram, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr College (2006-13)

Can Social Capital Explain Persistent Racial Poverty Gaps? Lincoln Quillian, Northwestern University; Rozlyn Redd, University of Wisconsin at Madison (2006-12)

The Dynamics of Discrimination Devah Pager, Princeton University (2006-11)

How Culture Matters for Poverty: Thickening our Understanding Mich�le Lamont, Harvard University; Mario Luis Small, Princeton University (2006-10)

How Educational Inequality Develops George Farkas, Department of Sociology and Population Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University (2006-09)

Justifying Inequality: A Social Psychological Analysis of Beliefs about Poverty and the Poor Heather Bullock, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz (2006-08)

Welfare Reform and Family Expenditures: How are Single Mothers Adapting to the New Welfare and Work Regime? Neeraj Kaushal, Columbia University; Qin Gao, Fordham University; Jane Waldfogel, Columbia University (2006-07)

The Consequences of Recent Job Growth on Older Low Income Workers William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers University. (2006-06)

Do Home Computers Improve Educational Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Current Population Surveys and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Daniel O. Beltran, University of California�Santa Cruz, Kuntal K. Das, University of California�Santa Cruz, and Robert W. Fairlie, University of California�Santa Cruz. (2006-05)

Studying Consumption with the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Comparisons with the Consumer Expenditure Survey and an Application to the Intergenerational Transmission of Well-being. Kerwin Kofi Charles, University of Chicago Sheldon Danziger, University of Michigan, Geng Li, Federal Reserve Board Robert F. Schoeni, University of Michigan. (2006-04)

Affirmative Action: What Do We Know? Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Urban Institute; David Neumark, Public Policy Institute of California, University of California at Irvine, National Bureau of Economic Research, IZA�Institute for the Study of Labor (2006-03)

Measuring the Extent and Depth of Food Insecurity: An Application to American Indians in the United States Craig Gundersen, Iowa State University. (2006-02)

Do Home Computers Improve Educational Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Current Population Surveys and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Daniel O. Beltran University of California, Santa Cruz; Kuntal K. Das University of California, Santa Cruz; Robert W. Fairlie University of California, Santa Cruz, National Poverty Center and IZA. (2006-01)

The Impact of Technological Change on LowWage Workers: A Review. David Card, University of California Berkeley and the National Bureau of Economic Research; John DiNardo, University of Michigan and NBER. (2005-28)

Economic Conditions and Children's Living Arrangements. Rebecca A. London, Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community, University of California, Santa Cruz and National Poverty Center; Robert W. Fairlie Department of Economics University of California, Santa Cruz and National Poverty Center. (2005-27)

Recent Trends in Resource Sharing among the Poor. Steven J. Haider, Michigan State University; Kathleen McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER. (2005-26)

Work and Poverty During the Past Quarter Century. Rebecca M. Blank, Sheldon H. Danziger and Robert F. Schoeni, National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. (2005-25)

The Level and Composition of Consumption Over the Business Cycle: The Role of "Quasi-Fixed" Expenditures. Kerwin Kofi Charles and University of Michigan and NBER; Melvin Stephens Jr. Carnegie Mellon University and NBER. (2005-24)

How Is Health Insurance Affected by the Economy? Public and Private Coverage Among Low-Skilled Adults in the 1990s. Helen Levy, University of Michigan, Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. (2005-23)

The Changing Pattern of Wage Growth for Low Skilled Workers. Eric French, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Bhashkar Mazumder, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Christopher Taber, Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. (2005-22)

Does the Supplemental Security Income Program Reduce Disability among the Elderly? Pamela Herd, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Robert F. Schoeni, and James S. House University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (2005-21)

Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from Random Assignments. David H. Autor, MIT Department of Economics and NBER; Susan N. Houseman,W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. (2005-20)

Poverty in America: Trends and Explanations. Hilary W. Hoynes, Marianne E. Page, Ann Huff Stevens. Department of Economics, U C Davis. (2005-19)

Exploring Gender Differences in Employment and Wage Trends Among Less-Skilled Workers. Rebecca M. Blank, University of Michigan and NBER; Heidi Shierholz, University of Michigan. (2005-18)

Child Support and the Economy. Maria Cancian, Institute for Research on Poverty, La Follette School of Public Affairs and School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin�Madison and Daniel R. Meyer, Institute for Research on Poverty, School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin�Madison. (2005-17)

How Do Tax Policies Affect Low Income Workers? Kevin A. Hassett, The American Enterprise Institute and Anne Moore, University of California, Berkeley. (2005-16)

State Spending on Social Assistance Programs Over the Business Cycle. Therese J. McGuire, Northwestern University; David F. Merriman, Loyola University Chicago. (2005-15)

The Macroeconomy and Determinants of the Earnings of Less-Skilled Workers Robert E. Hall, Hoover Institution and Department of Economics, Stanford University, National Bureau of Economic Research. (2005-14)

Temporary Agency Employment as a Way out of Poverty? David Autor, MIT Department of Economics and NBER; Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. (2005-13)

Wage Trends among Disadvantaged Minorities. George J. Borjas, Harvard University. (2005-12)

Unemployment Insurance Over the Business Cycle: Does it Meet the Needs of Less-Skilled Workers? Phillip B. Levine, Department of Economics, Wellesley College. (2005-11)

Can We Improve Job Retention and Advancement Among Low-Income Working Parents? Harry J. Holzer and Karin Martinson, The Urban Institute, Georgetown University. (2005-10)

The Black-White Test Score Gap: Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. W. Jean Yeung, Kathryn M. Pfeiffer. New York University. (2005-09)

Did Welfare Reform Differentially Influence the Fertility of Young Teens? Assessing the Success of the "Living Arrangement Rule" and the "Stay-in-School Rule." Leonard M. Lopoo, Department of Public Administration, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University; Thomas DeLeire, Congressional Budget Office. (2005-08)

Welfare Reform, Saving, and Vehicle Ownership: Do Asset Limits and Vehicle Exemptions Matter? James X. Sullivan, University of Michigan. (2005-07)

Poverty and Economic Polarization among America's Minority and Immigrant Children. Daniel T. Lichter, Zhenchao Qian, Martha L. Crowley. Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. (2005-06)

Maternal Working Conditions and Child Well-Being in Welfare-leaving Families. Rachel Dunifon, Ph.D., Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University; Ariel Kalil, Ph.D., Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago. (2005-05)

Time and the Cost of Children. Bruce Bradbury, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW. (2005-04)

A Measure of Spatial Segregation: The Generalized Neighborhood Sorting Index. Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas; Jeongdai Kim, University of Texas at Dallas. (2005-03)

The GINI Coefficient and Segregation on a Continuous Variable. Jeongdai Kim, University of Texas at Dallas; Paul A. Jargowsky, University of Texas at Dallas.. (2005-02)

The Material Well-Being of Single Mother Households in the 1980s and 1990s: What Can We Learn from Food Spending? Thomas DeLeire, Michigan State University. Helen Levy, University of Michigan. (2005-01)

Income Poverty and Material Hardship: How Strong is the Association? John Iceland, University of Maryland. Kurt Bauman, U.S. Census Bureau. (2004-17)

Effects of Child Health on Sources of Public Support. Nancy E. Reichman, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Hope Corman, Rider University and National Bureau of Economic Research. Kelly Noonan, Rider University and National Bureau of Economic Research. (2004-16)

The Effect of an Applicant�s Criminal History on Employer Hiring Decisions and Screening Practices: Evidence from Los Angeles. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University. Steven Raphael, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley. Michael A. Stoll, Department of Public Policy, School of Public Affairs, University of California, Los Angeles. (2004-15)

Narrowing the Food Insecurity Gap Between Food Stamp Participants and Eligible Non-Participants: The Role of State Policies. Craig Gundersen, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Iowa State University. Dean Jolliffe, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Laura Tiehen, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. (2004-14)

Poverty, Prices and Place: How Sensitive is the Spatial Distribution of Poverty to Cost of Living Adjustments? Dean Jolliffe, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2004-13)

Why did the Welfare Caseload Decline? Caroline Danielson, Welfare Policy Research Project, University of California. Jacob Alex Klerman, RAND. (2004-12)

The Pitfalls of Using a Child Support Schedule Based on Outdated Data. William M. Rodgers III, Bloustein School of Public Policy, Rutgers University and John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Department of Women and Gender Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. (2004-11)

Single Mothers' Employment Dynamics and Adolescent Well-Being. Ariel Kalil, Ph.D., Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago; Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest, M.P.A., Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago. (2004-10)

Watching the Clock Tick: Factors Associated with TANF Accumulation. Kristin S. Seefeldt, Research Investigator, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Sean M. Orzol, Research Analyst, Mathematica Policy Research. (2004-09)

Escaping Low Earnings: the Role of Employer Characteristics and Changes. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University, The Urban Institute. Julia I. Lane, The Urban Institute, US Census Bureau. Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University. (2004-08)

New Fathers' Labor Supply: Does Child Health Matter? Kelly Noonan, Rider University, National Bureau of Economic Research. Nancy E. Reichman, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Hope Corman, Rider University, National Bureau of Economic Research. (2004-07)

Mothers� Labor Supply in Fragile Families: The Role of Child Health. Hope Corman, Rider University, National Bureau of Economic Research; Nancy E. Reichman, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Kelly Noonan, Rider University, National Bureau of Economic Research. (2004-06)

Declining Employment Among Young Black Less-Educated Men: The Role of Incarceration and Child Support.. Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University and Urban Institute; Paul Offner, Urban Institute; Elaine Sorensen, Urban Institute. (2004-05)

Welfare Reform and Children's Living Arrangements. Marianne P. Bitler, RAND Corporation. Jonah B. Gelbach, University of Maryland. Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California, Davis and NBER. (2004-04)

What Mean Impacts Miss: Distributional Effects of Welfare Reform Experiments. Marianne P. Bitler, RAND Corporation and IZA. Jonah B. Gelbach, University of Maryland. Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California , Davis and NBER. (2004-03)

Marriage on the Public Policy Agenda: What Do Policy Makers Need to Know from Research? Kristin S. Seefeldt, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
The University of Michigan. Pamela J. Smock, Department of Sociology & Population Studies Center, The University of Michigan. (2004-02)

Medicare Gaps and Widow Poverty. Kathleen McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER; Robert F. Schoeni, University of Michigan. (2004-01)

Childcare Subsidies and the Transition from Welfare to Work. Sandra K. Danziger, Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat, and Kimberly G. Browning, University of Michigan Program on Poverty and Social Welfare Policy. (2003-11)

The Disparate Labor Market Impacts of Monetary Policy. Seth B. Carpenter, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. (2003-10)

Consequences from the Redistribution of Urban Poverty During the 1990s: A Cautionary Tale. George C. Galster, College of Urban, Labor, and Metropolitan Affairs, Wayne State University. (2003-09)

Filling the Poverty Gap: Then and Now. James P. Ziliak, Department of Economics and UK Center for Poverty Research, University of Kentucky. (2003-08)

Single Mother Work And Poverty Under Welfare Reform: Are Policy Impacts Different In Rural Areas? Bruce Weber, Oregon State University. Mark Edwards, Oregon State University. Greg Duncan, Northwestern University. (2003-07)

Moving from Public Housing to Homeownership: Perceived Barriers to Program Participation and Success. Anna M. Santiago and George C. Galster, Wayne State University. (2003-06)

Long term employment of African-American and white welfare recipients and the role of persistent health and mental health problems. Mary Corcoran, Professor of Political Science, Public Policy, Social Work, and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. Sandra Danziger, Associate Professor of Social Work and Director of the Michigan Program on Poverty and Social Welfare Policy at the University of Michigan. Richard Tolman, Professor of Social Work at the University of Michigan. (2003-05)

Street Crime and Street Culture. Dan Silverman, Department of Economics, University of Michigan. (2003-04)

Welfare Work Requirements and Child Well-Being: Evidence From the Effects on Breastfeeding). Steven J. Haider, Department of Economics, Michigan State University. Alison Jacknowitz, RAND Graduate School. Robert F. Schoeni, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. (2003-03)

Food Stamps and the Elderly: Why is Participation So Low? Steven J. Haider, Department of Economics, Michigan State University. Robert F. Schoeni, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Alison Jacknowitz, RAND Graduate School. (2003-02)

Pay Differences Among the Highly Trained: Cohort Differences in the Male-Female Earnings Gap in Lawyers� Salaries. Mary C. Noonan, Department of Sociology, University of Iowa. Mary E. Corcoran, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. Paul N. Courant, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan. (2003-01)