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Post 9-11 U.S. Muslim Labor Market Outcomes

July 2009

Faisal Rabby, Missouri State University and William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Download 'working_paper09-10.pdf'.


Using a difference-in-differences framework and micro data from the Current Population Survey-Merged Outgoing Rotation Group Files (1999 to 2004), this paper estimates the impact that the 9-11 terrorists attacks had on the U.S. labor market outcomes of individuals with nativity profiles similar to the terrorists. We find that shortly after the attacks, the employment-population ratios and hours worked of very young (ages 16 to 25) Muslim men fell. By 2004, most losses had begun to dissipate. The employment-population ratios and hours worked of older Muslim men experienced little deterioration.

Discrimination, Employment, Unemployment, and the Labor Market, Race and Ethnicity